Bs in dentistry in Ghent university | GoToUniversity


1 Courses

Bs in dentistry in Ghent university

Tuition Fees

"The 3-year training programme of academic Bachelors of Dentistry is in direct step with the average 5th and 6th year curriculums in general secondary education as specified under the ""Kennis en Inzicht in de Wetenschappen KIW Knowledge and Understanding of Natural Sciences subject matter components for the entrance exam for physicians/dentists as compiled by the Ministry of the Flemish Community, Education department, Higher Education and Scientific Research administration. As part of the training programme, prospective Bachelors of Dentistry are to gain an in-depth understanding of the principles on which treatment of the masticatory system is based, both in terms of the required knowledge, skills and attitudes, with students being acquainted with the scientific, social and clinical context within which dentistry interventions are made to take place."

Belgian degree, an European Baccalaureate, an International Baccalaureate, diploma from the NATO SHAPE-school, Germany: Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife/Abitur, High school diploma + transcript of records, A foreign diploma declared equivalent by NARIC, foreign university bachelor or master diploma, correctly certified/legalised, Certificate ITNA B2, B2-certificate from a university language centre, Certificate STRT 'Educatief Startbekwaam' under Dutch as a Foreign Language

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