Bsc %28hons%29 professional policing in Canterbury christ church university | GoToUniversity


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Bsc %28hons%29 professional policing in Canterbury christ church university

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Kickstart your career in the police with a degree in Professional Policing from Canterbury Christ Church University.You need to complete a degree to become a police officer. Our course will teach you the specialist and transferable skills needed for you to succeed in your future career. Validated by the College of Policing, our Policing degree will physically, emotionally and mentally prepare you for a life-long career in the policing sector. We are proud to be an approved deliverer of the national policing curriculum, and we tailor our course structure to ensure that you receive both practical and theoretical understanding of the sector.Gain the confidence and vital skills needed to work within difficult and time-pressured situations with our simulation suites. With our modern and real-life facilities, you can fully immerse yourself in a professional setting with our Criminal Justice suites, interview rooms, cells and Hydra room.

65% in Standard XII from CBSE and ISC English. IELTS score of 6.0 overall with 6.0 in Writing and 5.5 in all other bands. A Levels: BBC, IB: 29 Points, 112 UCAS Points.

Careers in Policing, Law Enforcement

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