Ba slavic studies in University of giessen | GoToUniversity


1 Courses

Ba slavic studies in University of giessen

Tuition Fees

The programme qualifies students for a wide range of professional fields such as business, publishing, public employers, the media, etc.

Online application, School leaving certificate / high school certificate, DSH-2 German language test for university admission, registered by HRK or passed at JLU Giessen or TestDaF with at least TDN 4 in all parts of the exam or in each part of 2 directly consecutive TestDaF tests at least 1 x TDN 4 and always at least 16 points or telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule or ZOP Zentrale Oberstufenpr fung or Small or large language diploma Goethe Institute or Goethe certificate C2 or German language diploma of the Conference of Ministers of Education - 2nd level DSD II; minimum: 4 x C1 or Business language German of SD or passed the assessment test of a Studienkolleg of a German institute of higher education minimum grade: 4 or a degree from a German Institute of Higher Education

Publishing, Writing, Editing, And Media; Government Service, International Non-Governmental Organizations; International Or Domestic Law; International Cultural Foundations And Organizations;

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