Bachelor in law in University of basel | GoToUniversity


1 Courses

Bachelor in law in University of basel

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Law is omnipresent. We encounter legal relationships every day in the media, in politics, in the economy and not least in our everyday lives. Laws and regulations make it possible to shape our environment legally, prevent conflicts and resolve disputes. Jurisprudence is devoted to the norms of behavior governing interpersonal and inter-state relations, which can be enforced by sovereign power. Private law regulates legal relationships between individuals (contracts, property, family and inheritance issues, etc.). Public law deals with state structures, tasks, procedures and the rights and duties of citizens vis- -vis the state and vice versa. Criminal law intervenes where people harm each other or the state. The question of what right actually implies, can only be rewritten, to quote the following: Nor are the lawyers looking for a definition of their concept of law. (Immanuel Kant)

High school diplomas leading to a regulated profession, Secondary school certificates, Degrees of the first study level of less than 3 years duration (full time) or less than 180 ECTS, work experience, TOEFL ibT of 80, IELTS of 6.0, English language (level B2 or C1),Letter of Motivation, CV, German Language Proficiency.

Attorney, Justice Sector Advisor, Assistant University Counsel, Global eDiscovery Counsel, Legal Consultant, Mediator, Legal Assistant or Paralegal, Bar Association Administrator

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