
Eszterhazy Karoly University location and accommodation


Study in Hungary with Eszterhazy Karoly University

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There are currently no programs listed for this university. (They are coming soon)

Q. How much is the cost of living at the Eszterhazy Karoly University?

The average cost per month for students are as follows:
Accommodation (on campus) - EUR 520 per month approx.
Accommodation (off campus) - EUR 700 approx.

Q. How many campuses does Eszterhazy Karoly University have?

Eszterházy Károly University, serves its students with a wide variety of educational programmes at three campuses located in three cities of the region.

Q. Are there on-campus housing facilities in the Eszterhazy Karoly University?

Yes, there are on-campus housing facilities at Eszterhazy Karoly University.

Q. What are the nearby student accommodations available near Eszterhazy Karoly University?

There are plenty of housing facilities nearby within close proximity from the campus and students may contact the Student Advisor for the best recommendations.

No data available. Coming soon!