
Medical University of Bialystok student life


Study in Poland with Medical University of Bialystok

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There are currently no programs listed for this university. (They are coming soon)

Q. How many students study in Medical University of Bia?ystok?

Currently, about 5000 students study in 15 medical fields, including almost 400 students in English Division. 

Q. Can I work while studying in Medical University of Bia?ystok?

International students can work in Poland without needing a work permit, provided you have a valid residence permit. Although it is possible to have a full-time job while you're studying in Poland, you need to make sure working doesn't affect your studies.

Q. What is the best learning environment for students in Medical University of Bia?ystok?

Students will find themselves in a high-quality academic environment that is student-focused and based on personal teaching practices, innovative approaches to learning, and growing research culture.

Q. How is life in Poland for international students?

Poland is an affordable European country with a pretty stable economy. Living costs for international students vary between 350 – 550 EUR/month. You can adjust your budget depending on the city or area you wish to study in. Larger cities such as Krakow or Warsaw require between 500 – 850 EUR/month.

No data available. Coming soon!

University Stats

* All cost are in PLN