
New York University Tandon location and accommodation

United States of America

Study in United States of America with New York University Tandon

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There are currently no programs listed for this university. (They are coming soon)

Q. How much is the cost of living at New York University Tandon?

Living costs at New York University Tandon is $8500.

Q. How many campuses does New York University Tandon have?

The main campus of New York University Tandon is located in Downtown Brooklyn and is easily accessible by public transportation. It is located in the Brooklyn Tech Triangle, about a 20-minute subway ride from the main campus of New York University Tandon in Lower Manhattan. The Bioengineering Institute's Manhattan research facility is located at 433 First Avenue. The School of Engineering, as well as the Colleges of Nursing and Dentistry, are housed in the same building where chemical, biomolecular, and mechanical engineers conduct research on biomaterials and biotherapeutics for regenerative medicine.

Q. Are there on-campus housing facilities at New York University Tandon?

Yes, there is on-campus housing available in the New York University Tandon.

Q. What are the nearby student accommodations available near New York University Tandon?

The college's official website lists all of the nearby possible accommodations.


No data available. Coming soon!

University Stats

* All cost are in USD